
Public Utility Commission of Texas


services regulated
Electricity Telecommunications Water

More on PUC


Number of Seats5 with 2 vacancies

Thomas Gleeson

Chair | Appointed
Term Start
Term End
Years of Service
Appointed By

Greg Abbott


Kathleen Jackson

Commissioner | Appointed
Term Start
Term End
Years of Service
Appointed By

Greg Abbott


Courtney Hjaltman

Commissioner | Appointed
Term Start
Term End
Years of Service
Appointed By

Greg Abbott


Commissioner Selection Details

Selection Method Appointed
Chairperson Selection
Appointment Process
Term length 6 Years
Term limit
Bipartisan Requirement None

Bipartisan Requirement


Commissioner Prequalifications There are statutory qualifications to becoming a commissioner, as follows: "(a) To be eligible for appointment, a commissioner must be:...

Commissioner Prequalifications

There are statutory qualifications to becoming a commissioner, as follows: "(a) To be eligible for appointment, a commissioner must be: (1) a qualified voter; (2) a citizen of the United States; and (3) a representative of the general public. (b) A person is not eligible for appointment as a commissioner if the person: (1) at any time during the two years preceding appointment: (A) personally served as an officer, director, owner, employee, partner, or legal representative of a public utility, affiliate, or direct competitor of a public utility; or (B) owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, stocks or bonds of any class with a value of $10,000 or more in a public utility, affiliate, or direct competitor of a public utility; or (2) is not qualified to serve under Section 12.151 [Registered Lobbyist], 12.152 [Conflict of Interest], or 12.153 [Trade Association]."

PUC Jurisdiction and Enabling Authority